Friday, September 11, 2009

Rudd is the New Howard?

As the Howard years came to an end many in Australia felt as though they were being released from prison. For many for the same people to talk of Howard is to set off the touch paper of spectacular rants about Aboriginal rights and boat people so let us not dwell but move on to the Rudd Government.
Does the release from Howard Prison mean we must like Rudd Freedom? In a strange way the writer feels that criticizing Rudd who lead the commandos who organised the prison break is ungracious and mean. Still as time goes on it is becoming all too obvious that Rudd watched Howard very carefully and he and his Labor Government are providing Australia with continuity in Government which is comforting but achieving very little.
We have had an Apology to the Original Australians which is good but really very little is happening to improve the lot of our indigenous cousins. Where is the great initiative to lead our benighted cousins out of the hell genocide and dispossession has delivered them into?
Health and Education could likely candidates as the solution in the long term but after two years virtually nothing is in place as grand initiatives or developments for Aboriginal Health and Education.
The Environment is clearly a major issue for the world but all the Rudd Government is focusing on is a complex Carbon Trading Scheme which will not involve the population directly but only as consumers. All else that this Government is doing could be just as easily imagined as policies of a Howard Government.
There is little to be said about other areas of policy.
"Take it slow and be careful" is a good motto for parents to give children starting out and politicians unused to governing but young adults and governments which wish to achieve something lasting must sometime create, strive to achieve and make a life of their own and not just follow in the footsteps of their parents
The Rudd Government is looking like the child of the Howard Government and is sadly failing to lead Australia in way which distinguishes it from its predecessor.

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