Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bike riding & danger.

Riding a bicycle is fun & healthy but dangerous!
In Europe bicyclist are an accepted feature on the roads and more care and courtesy is shown by drivers towards bikes.
In January I drove two thousand kilometres through France, Italy and Switzerland and I observed patience and acceptance of bikes to a degree way beyond that shown here.
During the last few days we saw a terrible accident on Southern Cross Drive in which a rider was hit by a car.
I am doubtful that the attitude of drivers here changing. I think the the first step is to dedicate a newtwork of suburban streets as Bicycle Priority Routes. On these streets bikes would have priority. These streets would be sign-posted and could spearhead a change in attitude by force drivers to slow, giveway and defer to bike-riders.
The road rules would treat bikes on these roads in the same way buses are in bus lanes with exceptions for local residents.
Petrol prices will soon be on the march again and carbon reductions are achieved with every car trip replaced by a bike ride.
We need polititians with vision to plan fir the future.
The option would be

-- Post From My iPhone

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