Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Why debt is bad!

We can all be revolutionaries by refusing to borrow. Karl Marx never imagined how working people could be enslaved and pacified by the great seduction of debt. At one time only the aristocrats could borrow. They had land and they had honour- a name to protect against the great shame of "not being able to pay your debts".
Now a steady income means anyone can have a personal loan, a car loan and at least two credit cards.
Instantly, an independant person with a sense of adventure is turned into a cowering spineless slave too afraid to speak out or do anything to risk losing their job.
Add a mortgage and the worker is terrified foreigners will take his/her job and will vote in any conservative government who will guarantee "low interest rates".
Bah! Humbug!
Fight! Stand and demand liberty from oppression. Live simply and don't borrow!
Remember all the capitalists want you to do is: Consume, be silent & die.

-- Post From My iPhone

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