Wednesday, August 19, 2009

No courage in public

So Nathan Rees, Premier of NSW compares climate sceptics to the those who followed the policies of appeasment in the 1930's and he gets soundly criticised by the media.
His analogy was not flawless but
why was he so rubbished and why did he back down?
Those who criticised him were kicking a man who it would appear is without prospects. An unpopular leader of a government "on-the-nose", Rees cannot do anything right and vacuous commentators have a easy target for cheap shots. Where is the insight or analysis of the issue or the man in such an attack? Those who got stuck into him do themselves no credit.
Rees for his part took the mantle of victim offered by his critics and numbly wrapped it around his shoulders. His meaning was clear, he hadn't mentioned the Nazis and he was right, yet he backed down instead of giving his critics the box around the ears they deserved for being so cheap, nasty and shallow.
Public debate in this state is dominated by persons without courage or insight who shamelessly check their bank each week to make sure their undeserved salaries have been deposited.
-- Post From My iPhone

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